3 Best Penis Extenders Reviewed For Speed & Safety (2023)

Updated: 13 May 2024
5 minute read
best penis extender

Quick Extender Pro

#1 Rated Penis Extender

Best Prostate Massager
  • DSS Ultimate Support
  • Made in the uSA
  • Free Shipping
  • Money back guarantee
  • Easy to use
  • free bonus

#1 Quick Extender Pro

By far, the best value option on the market. The QEP uses a patented double-ring system which provides the highest levels of strap security. 

Why you should buy it

Faster results with higher tension levels

The Quick Extender Pro can apply more tension than any other penis extender. That means more stretching power and faster results. Be careful though, you need to start on low amounts otherwise it will cause you discomfort.

Money Back Guarantee

They give your money back if you don't get impressive gains. It's simple - if wearing this device doesn't deliver you a bigger penis in the amount of time they promise, they'll give you your money back. That means no risk to you.

Over 100,000 happy customers

As one of the longest serving companies in the industry, and with hundreds of thousands of glowing reviews from men who've used their penis extender to successfully increase their cock size, it makes sense to choose this brand.

Phallosan Forte

#2 Rated Penis Extender

Phallosan Forte
  • DSS Ultimate Support
  • Made in the uSA
  • Free Shipping
  • Money back guarantee
  • Easy to use
  • free bonus

#2 Phallosan Forte

The unique design of Phallosan Forte makes this particular model excellent for men who would prefer to use their penis stretcher while sleeping.

Why you should buy it

No discomfort during sleep

This means that even if you roll over while sleeping, it's not going to damage the device or your penis, unlike some cheap brands.

Can be worn discreetly

If you work in an environment where tight pants are the norm and don't want to get caught out then Phallosan Forte should be the choice for you.

Multiple vibration settings

The Lelo Loki has 6 different vibration type with 5 different levels of intensity. Each of the settings is good for different reasons. For example, you want to warm up with longer pulses then later move onto shorter ones to build up the intensity.


#3 Rated Penis Extender

  • DSS Ultimate Support
  • Made in the uSA
  • Free Shipping
  • Money back guarantee
  • Easy to use
  • free bonus

#3 SizeGenetics

The care that is put into the materials used by SizeGenetics in its straps is worth of credit. Expect high levels of comfort with this device.

Why you should buy it

Designed For Comfort

If you have any experience of penis stretching, there's one word on everybody's lips; comfort. SizeGenetics has put more focus on helping their customers to remain in a more or less zen-like state while extending their penis size than any other brand. Why is comfortability such an important factor? It's simple - to achieve noticeable gains with a penis extender, you need to wear it for at least 8 hours per day. If you get irritated by the position that it's sitting then you'll be discouraged from using it, resulting in no progress. The SizeGenetics brand tackles this problem head on.

Multiple fasteners

SizeGenetics is the only cock extender that allows you to change the fasteners (loop or strap) depending on your preference. By giving you the option to choose how you wear it, you'll feel more comfortable and achieve greater results.

Money Back Guarantee

With the SizeGenetics, if you try it out for 6 months and you don't get the results you're looking for then you can claim a your money back.

What is a penis extender?

Penis extenders, also known as penis stretchers, are non-invasive devices that were originally created to straighten a curved penis without needing surgery.

Their popularity exploded after doctors realised a side-effect of using them was their ability to increase penis size.

Since that discovery, millions of men around the world have used these penis stretching devices to achieve a bigger penis and improve their sex lives.

How penis stretching works

Penis stretching is a derivative of an ancient practice called 'body stretching' which is all about making fleshy body parts bigger.

By applying a slow and gradual tension, it causes the cells to divide and replicate, resulting in their growth. Here are three examples of it in use:

Body Stretching Examples

Neck Elongation

Neck elongation by indigenous tribes from South-East Asia

Ear stretching

Ear stretching by many people in the Western world

Lip Plating

Lip plating in remote African villages

Methods of penis stretching

The 3 most common ways to stretch your penis are:


Jelqing is the most primitive form of penis stretching; all you do is pull on your penis whilst semi-erect to encourage the cells to divide. Although you can apply large amounts of tension using this method, it is risky as there is a high chance that you stretch one side more than the other and end up with a curvature in your penis.

Penis Weights

Penis weights are very much what they sound like. By hanging a weight from the tip of your penis, it results in tension being created and your cells dividing (and growing). What's good about this option is that you can monitor the volume of weight you are using allowing you to be more consistent. The problem with this method is that you need to stand in the same position for hours on end which isn't practical. Again, if you have a slight imbalance, it may cause one side to stretch more than the other and lead to complications.

Penis Extenders

Penis extenders are the safest and best way of increasing your penis size. Invented in the 1980s, millions of men around the world have gone on to achieve noticeable increases in their length and girth by using them. The notable difference between penis extenders and other stretching methods is that your strap your cock into a fixed position. This allows you to move the rest of your body without the risk of stretching one side more than the other, giving you an even increase in size.

Main Features to consider when buying A penis extender

With 100s of penis extenders on the market and each of these requiring over a thousand hours of testing, it's should come as no surprise that creating a list of the 5 best penis extenders was quite a challenge. We used the following factors to decide on our final selection:


Many companies operating in the penis enlargement industry are fully aware that men won't kick up a fuss if their product doesn't work. Consequently, millions of dollars are wasted every year and thousands of men are stuck in the same situation. For that reason, we felt it was best to start out with the fundamental question: does the product actually work? Numerous scientific studies have found that in order for a penis extender to work, it needs to apply a minimum traction level of 800g to your penis. From our own research, we noticed that poorly manufactured penis extenders are unable to provide this. Another issue that stops many of these devices from working is they don't fasten securely enough. This could result in more traction being applied to one side of your penis, resulting in a curvature being formed, also known as Peyronie's disease (a curvature in the penis). You'll be happy to know that all of the penis stretchers on this page have been through rigorous testing in labs and have 1,000s of satisfied customers.


A lot of manufacturers focus so intensely on showing off their device's high traction levels that the most important factor, comfort. Sure, you may be willing to sacrifice some comfortability for faster results, but there's a limit. If you're unable to concentrate on everyday tasks because you're so irritated by your penis extender, you're probably going to take it off. We noticed that the following factors impact comfort levels most: Straps The main way of comparing comfort levels is through the different types of straps. It's their job to hold your penis in place while the rods stretch your dick, causing it to grow. Each brand professes to have re-invented these straps to ensure the most comfortable hold. However, the truth is that it's largely subjective. Some people prefer to have a noose style strap while others prefer belt-style straps. It really depends on what you feel most comfortable with. For that reason, we believe it's best to choose a brand comes with multiple strap options. Traction Applied Penis stretcher brands often compete on the levels of traction that they can apply. You will never need to apply that much. In fact, using that level of traction will likely cause irreversible damage to your penis. To increase your penis size, the maximum you'll need is 2500g. We'd recommend choosing a brand that has a good range available so you can gradually increase the tension as you get used to wearing it. Where It's Worn We're sure that you don't want to advertise that you're wearing a penis extender so it's important to note that while you're wearing one, you will need to wear more baggy clothes to prevent it from being too visible. Some brands are much more streamlined than others allowing you to feel more at ease.


It's all well and good buying a comfortable penis stretching device and using it regularly but if it breaks in the first month then you're not going to make much progress. So, the next feature that you should consider is durability. By testing each device's ability to deal with varying levels of damage, we were able to get a gauge of how they could cope with wear and tear. On top of that, we read 1,000s of consumer reviews to make sure our own findings were consistent with what was being said by others.

Ease of use

There's nothing worse than buying a new gadget and realising how difficult it is to get working. It's so off-putting that you become less inclined to use it and for that reason, you absolutely need your penis stretcher to be hassle-free. Imagine spending a few minutes every day for months fiddling around doing a seemingly needless task; you'd go crazy! In our opinion, you need to be able to clip it on and take it off within a few seconds so you can go to the loo, clean it and have sex.


Every company offers a money-back guarantee, however, not all of these guarantees are of equal. Some brands need you to jump through all sorts of hoops to get your money back, while others are much more lenient.

Frequently Asked Questions

With 100s of penis extenders on the market and each of these requiring over a thousand hours of testing, it's should come as no surprise that creating a list of the 5 best penis extenders was quite a challenge. We used the following factors to decide on our final selection:

Are penis extenders safe?

All of the brands we’ve highlighted in this guide have been tested in clinically tested. With that being said, complications can occur if you start using the device at a tension level beyond your comfort zone.

How long per day do you need to wear them?

For best results, we'd recommend starting off the first few weeks with the minimum amount of tension (around 400g) and a maximum of 4 per day use. As you get more comfortable wearing your penis extender, you can begin to apply more tension and wear it for longer without fear of causing yourself damage.

I'm circumcised, will a penis extender work for me?

Yes, being circumcised will not impact your use of the device. If you are uncircumcised, we’d recommend cleaning the device more regularly (every 2 days vs once per week) as there tends to be more of a build-up of bacteria underneath your foreskin.

What happens if I continue to wear my penis extender?

Your penis size will continue to get bigger The penis extenders we've highlighted can help you increase your size up to 9 inches.

Is there a minimum size required to use them?

Most devices can work with penis sizes from 2 inches to 7 inches. If your penis is smaller than 2 inches, then penis enlargement surgery may be more appropriate for you. If you would like to read more about this, click here.

What results can I expect to achieve?

Every man's penis works slightly differently to penis stretching so it's difficult to say for certain. With that in mind, most guys see visible results within 3 weeks of use.

Will my penis increase in size permanently?

Yes, once the cells in your penis divide and replicate, they will stay that way permanently.

Will a penis stretcher visible underneath my clothes?

Each device is shaped differently, so it really depends on the model that you choose. All the devices we recommend can be worn discreetly under boxer shorts and loose-fitting trousers. The Phallosan Forte tends to be the best device at ‘tucking away’.

Can penis extenders correct a curved penis?

Yes, the original creation of these devices was actually to help treat curved penis issues (also known as Peyronie’s disease). By stretching increase the cell duplication more on one side, your penis will eventually become straighter.

For more information about solving Peyronie’s disease, click here.

Not all men want to increase their penis size. Instead, some men want to cure the unnatural curvature of their penis, such as those who have Peyronie’s disease. Peyronie’s disease (often abbreviated to PD) is a condition in which the penis takes on an unhealthy curvature as a result of fibrous plaque being formed in the organ. The plaque constricts the soft tissues of the penis in one direction, bending the organ to the respective side. Although doctors and scientists argue about the exact cause, it seems that trauma and bruising to the penis are major risk factors for the future development of Peyronie’s disease. Genetic predisposition may also play a role. In general, men with Peyronie’s disease may develop a penis with over 50 degrees of curvature. In many cases, this change severely impairs these individuals’ sexual performance, confidence, erectile function and overall quality of life. The good news is that studies have found penis extenders to be effective in treating Peyronie’s disease. In fact, penis traction therapy may reduce the curvature of Peyronie’s disease by over 38 degrees if the device is worn for at least 6 hours a day.